Thursday, February 16, 2012

The famous Gulasch

Gulasch is a kind of red bell pepper beef stew. I thought it is Austrian dish but i was wrong, it is Hungarian (they call it gulyás). But anyway no matter where it came from, it is everyone's favorite. 
In Austria Gulasch is served with Semmelknödel, pasta (normally fussili), or potato. 
There is another famous kind of Gulasch called Erdäpfelgulasch made from potato and sausage in stead of beef. Next time i will share the recipe, but for now i want to share the traditional one.

Youtube video: Gulasch Recipe - Gulasch Rezept - Resep Gulasch

1 tbsp tomato paste
1 bay leaf
2 onion
1 garlic
500 gr beef
1/2 tsp apple vinegar
2 tbsp sweet paprika powder
1 cup beef stock
1/2 cup water
1/4 cup red wine
1 tsp kummin seeds
1/4 cup heavy cream
1 tbsp butter
1.5 tbsp cooking oil
1 tsp sugar
black pepper

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